TSC Label Printers
Looking for a barcode / label printer? TSC offers high quality barcode printers and International Point of Sale sells them at very affordable prices.
These printers come with either direct thermal or transfer thermal printing abilities. Learn more about the difference. Learn how a merchant account can increase your business.
TSC TTP-245 : Starting at $429
The TTP-245 is a thermal transfer label printer at a nice price. It is perfect for numerous tasks including postal applications. It can print 203 dots per inch and has a printing speed of 5 inches per second. The TSC TTP-245 is compact and dependable call (866)468-5767 to place an order or order online. more info
TSC TDP-245 - starting at $380
The TD-245 is just like the TTP-245 except it is a direct transfer thermal label printer. It prints at 203 dots per inch and has a printing speed of 5 inches per second. more info