UTC RETAIL provides to over 200 retailers exactly what they need for the day-to-day running of their business. They offer innovative software and hardware solutions designed to make things simpler for retailers so that they could meet the ever changing needs of employees, customers, and suppliers with great control.
UTC Retail 2800 Series
The 2800 Series is absolutely ideal for retail markets. It offers functionality, reliability, as well as flexibility. Maintenance is quick, efficient and simple. It also saves a lot of valuable counter space with internal cable routing.
UTC Retail 2200 Series
The 2200 Series is the perfect POS solution for retailers because it reduces maintenance costs and delivers high performance for any operation. It is suitable for a wide range of retail environments.
UTC Retail 1800 Series
The 1800 Series is an all-in-one touch workstation and has Intel Mobile technology which allows it to deliver great performance and be energy efficient.