International Point of Sale is a retailer's one-stop-shop for your business technology needs. A wide variety of software, hardware, and service packages are available for small to medium sized retailers. These bundles are certified and designed to work wonders together and are readily available for shipment. The following service options are very flexible and easy to purchase, install, and maintain.
Ultimate Technology gives retailers exactly what they want — smart retailing solutions. They never lost sight of their retail customers who depend on them so that they can meet the day-to-day demands of their business.
The workstations available are:
2800 Series | 2200 Series | 1800 Series
Posiflex's vision is to develop products that best combine their customers' lifestyles with the technology they produce so that all may enjoy the convenience it is bringing.
The workstations available are:
Fan-Free: FT6315 | KS6115 | KS6315 | KS6615 | KS7300
Jiva Touch: 5800 | 8000 | 6000 (Discontinued)
Posiflex's vision is to develop products that best combine their customers' lifestyles with the technology they produce so that all may enjoy the convenience it is bringing.
The workstations available are:
1520 | 15A1 | 15A2 | 17A2 | 15D1